The project ‚REACT! – Respect Environment and Cherish Thyself’ focuses on developing key competences through various tasks, events and mini-projects in the field of climate change, environment protection, civic engagement, healthy lifestyle and sport. Five schools from different geographical locations, two inland, mountainous ones – Romania and Turkey, two seaside ones – Portugal and Greece and one from a lake district – Poland, will join their forces to make both their local and global community a little cleaner, fresher and less smoggy.
We also wish to raise awareness about infectious diseases, promote blood and marrow donations and sport as well as, hopefully, tackle the issue of smoking (e)-cigarettes and using designer drugs among students. Join us in this wonderful trip.
The project’s objectives:
O1 – Developing key competences of students through incorporating teaching methods promoting cross-curricular cooperation, creativity and innovative learning approaches in the fields of science, social studies and physical education;
O2 – Developing high quality social skills and competences in the areas of teamwork, initiative, entrepreneurship, active citizenship, civic engagement through formal and non-formal learning activities by cooperating with institutions and authorities in local communities;
O3 – Bettering communication skills in international contexts with a clear focus on English (by at least 1 CEFR level with both students and teachers involved), via mini-projects, virtual exchanges and LTTAs;
O4 – Acquiring digital competences while developing all of the other skills and blending them with the necessary IT tools to produce, manage, analyze, present, research and promote the project results;
O5 – Raising awareness on and actively engaging school and local community in the common European Union values, policy and laws in regard to environment protection and fighting climate change;
O6 – Developing long-term teaching methods and competences promoting sustainability, especially in the food choice, consumption habits and lifestyles; reducing carbon footprint by recycling, saving resources, energy and water;
O7 – Actively promoting healthy lifestyle by encouraging the reduction of or resignation from consumption of stimulants, like (e-)cigarettes and designer drugs in two grade levels within two-year period as well as by encouraging physical activity leading to an increase in the number of PE participants. Raising awareness about contagious diseases, like AIDS or flu, ways of their contraction and prevention.